I’ve seen a lot of good and funny table tennis videos and clip in my time, but this one would have to be top and funniest video ever. This table tennis video has 15M+ views to date, and continues to be one of the most popular clips ever.
It’s a exhibition match between Jean-Michel Saive (BEL) against Chuang Chih-Yuan (TPE). The match starts off pretty normal as far as exhibition matches goes, with long rallies away from the table, but then things start to change, with some hilarious incident, sometimes bordering on the absurd!
The seriousness of the umpires cracked me up right from the start (pictured right), and just adds to this highly entertaining match that’s gone down into history. I would highly encourage to watch the whole thing, not just the start, because things just get funnier and funnier!
If you know of other funny or entertaining videos, please leave a comment with a link below, so that it can be added to the collection.